Like any successful CEO would tell you - the key to success in running any multifaceted company is surround yourself with experts in their field. Well, that works for the multifaceted - amazing organization you run - called your body!
Lets start at the top….do you have a primary care doc that you can go to & ask anything? They will be key in knowing when something is off kilter, sometimes before we do. I love my doctors through Christiana Family Care, I can access my records through the patient portal, request refills, and (personal fav) send non urgent messages to the doc! Nothing worse than sitting on hold all morning, just to get a human…. And leave a message. So love the tech part of this practice!
Your mental well being. Yes, that is a part of your health. Your mental status can affect your physical - so get that massage, or do that hobby that relaxes you. It serves an important purpose. My go to is Montchanin Inn Spa (thank you to my daughter Dannie for the gift certificate for my B-Day!). I spent this morning with Annette, an amazing masseuse. This elongates, relaxes your muscles - a must for anyone that likes to workout hard. This spa also has a relaxation room - so I am sure to arrive early to set my mind in the right mind set for the experience.
How about routine maintenance? Some people need a monthly body treatment, (alignment, re-adjustments or deep muscle work). Figure out what helps your body respond the best to your demands on it. I have a whole “team”, deep tissue work - Susan brown, Body Specialist - Dave Pussey, Body Alignment - Dr. Carl & Dr. Matt.
And of course, last but not least - a workout program that keeps you motivated and understanding your amazing body. I like to help clients find their “boxers” high (just like runners high) that zone where you forget everything else - just enjoy feeling your body working aka getting stronger & better!