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Lisa Thompson

Before  &  After

My name is Lisa and I am a mother of 2 busy boys and work full time. I want to tell you about my weight loss journey. 11 months ago I was at my highest weight ever. I had a co-worker for the past year tell me you have to come to the gym classes here they are amazing and you’ll love it. I pushed it off because I knew that there would be skinner people than me there and I was insecure. After seeing myself at the high weight and feeling like I can’t put anything else in my stomach I decided to go.

This is when I met Joanie. She and the other girls welcomed me with open arms. Joanie was amazing, her motivation and high energy and positivity made me feel like I have been doing this forever. I kept going back to the classes (even though it’s hard to walk after her classes) I pushed through. I started feeling better and decided that I was going to take it a step further and started changing my life style. I started eating better, I started to run again. Each day, week and month I progressed with Joanie alongside with me.


When the pandemic hit and they took the gym classes away from us and I panicked. Some people would go to her classes for something to do during their break, I went to the classes because I needed her. Ineeded her motivation, her voice, and her positivity telling me I can do it. Now what was I going to do? This is when I found out that she provided online classes. I immediately logged on and brought one up, I was so relieved to still have her during this dark time that the world was going through. I continued to work with her virtually from turbo kick, body sculpt and weight training. My family and friends could

start to see the weight I was losing. I started hitting harder during the classes. She was with me every step.


Every pound I lost I couldn’t wait to tell her. Weight loss isn’t something that will happen in 3 months, it’s a journey, and it’s a life style change. From eating healthier to working out. You become addicted and happier. You build a bond with not only Joanie but with everyone in her classes. With the help of my husband, loved ones, friends and Joanie I was able to lose 50 pounds in 5 months. I cut back on sugars and carbs and increased veggies and protein and feel amazing. I don’t know where I would be

without Joanie and all her inspiration and belief in me. As Joanie always tells us you can do anything and I’m here to prove it is possible.

Dr. Zhiqin Li

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Zhiqin, mom of 2, takes classes at AI Dupont Hospital - where she is doing pediatric cancer research.  I love her energy & smile during classes - and read below for the medical data she has provided regarding her fitness journey!

"I started taking Joanies class in 2015 when I found out a couple of red flags in my annual biometric screening.  My waist to height ratio was way too high, my HDL level was quite low, and my total cholesterol to HDL was high.  Since then I've been taking her classes 2 or 3 times a week.  After 1 year of working out with Joanie, all my numbers back in the normal range!!  It is a big suprise to me, totally unexpected since I haven't changed diet yet.  But now going to Joanie's class is part of my daily routine - I really enjoy her class - high-intenisty & full of fun!

Exercising used to seem like such a chore until I was introduced to Turbo Kick with Joanie at my corporate gym at Nemours.  I instantly fell in love with the choreography and intensity.  I had been working out for years prior to taking Joanie’s classes and I can honestly say because of her, I am in the best shape I have ever been in.  From the intense drills in Boot Camp to the high energy of Turbo Kick, her classes keep me motivated and challenged.  Because I never get bored in any of her classes, I have been able to push myself to new levels.  I enjoy Joanie’s classes so much that I schedule my days off work around when she teaches at my corporate gym and I am upset when I have to miss her Saturday class at her studio.  I used to avoid working out on the weekends and now I look forward to starting off my Saturday with Turbo Kick! 

What changes in your life have occurred due to your fitness progress:

Since I began working out with Joanie I focus a lot less on the number on the scale and more on how healthy and strong I feel.  Attending class regularly keeps me motivated to make healthier choices.  I have learned it is ok that I am not perfect but I am healthier and Joanie’s classes have allowed me to become a better me.  Joanie has taught me ways to fit drills into my regular routine, so that even while traveling for work I can stay on track.  I no longer look at exercise as a chore, it is now my lifestyle. 

While upcoming special events or the summer season tend to push me a little harder, I always have one goal in mind regardless.  I want to stay in shape and continue to push myself to be the best version of myself possible.  Fitness is a choice and a lifestyle for me.  Whenever I feel unmotivated I remind myself of what Joanie would say.  “You’re tired? – workout!”

Any other information you would like to share with fellow students? (recipe, website, encouragement?)

Joanie is not only a great mentor and trainer but she has also become a friend.  I honestly do not know what I would do without her and her classes.  I have learned the importance of staying active, eating healthy and never giving up.  Thank you Joanie for all the motivation and for making class so much fun!  

Taryn Roane, School Principal

Terry LaPerle

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I started taking classes with Joanie about 1 ½ years ago. I have been to numerous gyms, taken numerous exercise classes, played sports in high school and college, and ran in many ½ marathons, but I have never experienced anything like Joanie’s classes. I can honestly say that I have never been in better shape. I am 39 years old and look and feel better than I did when I was 25 (with a few exceptions, if you know what I mean). 
I know that it is me working hard in Joanie classes, and I know that ultimately I am working hard for myself and my family, but Joanie is the reason I am able to do it. She is so inspirational, so nice and caring, such a great instructor and trainer, that she makes me feel like a rock star each and every class. There could be twenty people in class next to me, but I swear when Joanie talks, she is only talking to me. She has a way talking to the class and pushing us to do our best, without sounding like a drill sergeant.
I did not always feel like a rock star…. The first class that I took was boot camp, and it was a fit test night. Well, let’s just say it took me about a year to make the wall of fame. Even after all of the exercising and running I had done in the past, nothing really prepared me for what Joanie had to offer. I have never stuck with one instructor/trainer for this long, but Joanie is different. She helps me push myself further and further every time I go to the gym. She often says in class, “you will be surprised how much your body can do,” and it is true. If I get tired or out of breathe, I just remember what Joanie says, and I know I can keep going, and I go even harder. I know I have had a good workout because I am sore after each class. Did you hear that, I am sore, really sore, after each and every class! It doesn’t matter that I have been coming to class for 1 ½ years. It doesn’t matter if I go to the gym once or three times in a week. I am sore because I worked hard during that one class, and even if I am sore a few days later, going back to the gym always make me feel better. 
I do not go to the gym because I am working towards one thing in particular. I did at first. 1 ½ years ago my third child was 3 years old. I had just lost about twenty pounds, but I was stuck and just couldn’t get off the last few pounds. That was my goal when I started with Joanie. Lots of things have come up since I started with Joanie. I have been on vacation to Hawaii, and it was so great to be able to wear a bikini. I have been on vacation to Disney World, and I was able to keep up with my very enthusiastic children. I have run my best time ever in a ½ marathon, even better than my time 12 years ago. I attended my 20 year high school reunion, and boy oh boy was it great to hear so many compliments. I could go on and on, but my point is there is always some race that we are getting ready for, something that we want to feel or look good for, or someone or something that is demanding something from us; so I don’t work out anymore with one goal in mind. My goal is to keep doing what I am doing, push myself harder than I did the time before, be a good role model and example for my children, and live my life a happier person because I workout.
If I was asked to give someone advice, I would say: I get tired, I am out of breathe, there are times that I just feel like giving up and laying down on the floor, but then I remember why I am at the gym in the first place. I remember how far I have come, and how far I could still go. I look around the room and see others working hard, and I know I can do it too. I remember how great I feel when I am done knowing that I worked as hard as I possibly could. It also helps that if my guard isn’t up, my toe isn’t pointed, my knee doesn’t come up to my chin, or I don’t hold my leg up long enough, Joanie will be sure to remind me!

Terry LaPerle, High School Teacher

Sarah Lester

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Featured Clients

Leigh Ellis - Teacher

Taryn Roane

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When I box, I feel alive!  I LOVE knowing that I can protect myself and manage my opponent.  Boxing is a sport where you get total body fitness (you feel your core totally engaged- which Ineed) while enjoying the rhythmic movements of dancing around your opponent to strike a good punch.  Joanie is the best at making sure I focus more on the fitness than I do on the punch.  She understands that my fitness goals outweigh the need to get in the ring (anytime soon).  When I get to personalize my training during her 1:1 classes, that’s when I get the most out of my workouts, and I have the most fun!  I get to challenge myself with new combinations that set my mind ablaze and push my body to new levels.  The results I see from attending Turbo Kickboxing, Boot Camp, and traditional boxing classes keep me coming back 3 or more times a week!
What changes in your life have occurred due to your fitness progress:
Wow!  I am now 1 pants size smaller!  I am much stronger (mentally and physically) than before.  I have a new addiction- working out with Joanie!  This new addiction is great because it has so many benefits that will make a difference in my life and in the lives of my family members.  I’ve noticed that I now have the power to support my family in making healthy lifestyle changes, as I was not aware of how much they were watching me to find out how they should eat or how often they should exercise.  Now that I am exercising hard 3 days a week, I find my son sparring in the mirror to mimic mommy.  He is a true little Ali, but he notices mommy is strong and powerful just like he plans to be one day.  He is now more health conscious, and that change is one that will last a lifetime!

I started with Be Fit Boxing by Joanie a year and a half ago. I attend kickboxing 2-3 times a week and over the past 6 months have started regularly attending the weekly boot camp.

I’m absolutely addicted to the high energy kickboxing but I have to say boot camp is my favorite. The first time I came to a boot camp I couldn’t believe how intense it was! The combination of cardio, outdoor run (weather permitting) weight lifting and drills-Joanie pushes you to perform at a higher level every time and I love it! 

Working out with Joanie has increased my overall fitness, balance, endurance and STRENGTH!!

Joanie’s training motivates me to work harder in all aspects of my life, personally and professionally and thank’s to Joanie’s direction I now practice better breathing techniques, so I can run longer, faster and harder! 

The best part of being a member of Be Fit Boxing is having the opportunity to meet so many great people, feeding off each other’s energy (and Joanie’s energy) and since we are constantly doing different rounds you will never get bored, the results are limitless. 

Fitness is no longer an option for me, it’s a lifestyle. I am motivated by my desire to be a strong, healthy and active individual until I’m 102!!! 

Sarah Lester, Medical Aesthetician

Kris Urdaneta, Associate Analyst

Leigh Ellis

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I do not just enjoy boxing training; it has become the highlight of my week! I love the variety of the classes Joanie provides and the various scheduling of the classes. Each class focuses on a specific type of training. From the drills in boot camp, the high energy and challenging choreography in Turbo, to the intense combination work taught in boxing, Joanie covers it all! I work 9-6 Monday through Friday so her night classes give me something to look forward to all day. I also love starting my weekends with her on Saturday morning.

Since starting Joanie’s Be Fit Boot camp and Boxing classes, my entire outlook on fitness has changed. I used to think fitness was being a specific jean size or figure shape and I have realized it is about being the best you possible. As someone who thought running and watching calories was the secret to losing weight, I now love the cross training of boxing, boot camp, kickboxing in addition to leisure and charity runs. In actuality the longer I have been training with Joanie, the better my endurance and stamina has become and without trying my running times have gotten increasingly better. In addition to cross training, I have also gained a new fondness of strength training and watching how gaining muscle can be such a factor in the way your body feels and looks. As someone who rarely ever picked up a weight before, I now head to the gym on my lunch breaks to specifically lift weights! 

Joanie is not only a great mentor for how to work your body in her classes but she is also a resource to help you take care of your body through stretching, additional information, and will guide you to a nutritionist as well. My outlook on nutrition has also changed since beginning at Joanie’s. From counting calories and trying to eliminate specific food groups from my diet, I now fuel my body with foods as natural and clean as possible. Joanie has a great nutritionist that explained the importance of giving your body all the nutrients it needs to continue to become stronger and healthier. By staying active and eating clean, I believe the weight will take care of itself. 

Although I do not have a special event coming up or a goal weight or jean size, I have a goal. I simply am on the way to becoming the best me I can be. It’s not about the number on the scale; it’s about how you feel working out and watching your own body’s progression. I personally want to be fit and healthy for all events, all seasons, and all opportunities; I want to be fit for life!

Joanie’s classes and the changes it has made in my life makes me think of one quote in particular- Eat Clean & Train Dirty! Joanie also makes sure that we all go home, in every class, with “calories on the outside!”

Thank you Joanie for the inspiration, motivation, and support through my fitness journey!

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I love the intensity and Joanie is always switching it up, challenging me both mentally and physically, which keeps me totally engaged. Her optimism about my achievements throughout training, even when I may have a bad day or two or three of eating, keeps me going and helps me strive towards creating better habits. Boxing is exhilarating and also helps me with my focus and discipline. 

What changes in your life have occurred due to your fitness progress: 

A more positive body image and outlook on getting in shape. I have noticed less emotional eating and a healthier approach to feeding my body healthy foods so that it will perform. I am far less lethargic in the morning when I wake up and actually look forward to working out.

Any advice you would like to share with fellow students ?

Even if you are tired, miserable, feeling the blues. Just go, you will not regret it. 

Lauren Chicklo, Medical Sales, Comedian

Kris Urdandeta

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Trish Weaver

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Exercising and staying fit has always been a way for me to release energy, reduce stress, and feel healthy and strong.  I have tried numerous fitness regimens from working with personal trainers and practicing yoga to running and taking classes at local gyms.  Nothing has made more of an impact on my body and the way I feel than the classes at JoanieFit.   
I have been under Joanie’s instruction for the past four years but I really kicked it up a notch last summer when I started going to her classes more than twice a week.  In less than two months, I shed seven pounds and started to notice more definition in my abs. 
Joanie offers a little of everything that’s right for me: turbo kick for intense cardio and ab sculpting, bootcamp for endurance and weight training; and boxing—my new weekly addiction—for a total body and mental work out.

 Trish Weaver

Lauren Chicklo


"You are one workout away from a good mood!"

Joanie Fit

(302) 7431891

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Low Impact Cardio Kickboxing

Get Fit Fast


Low Impact Cardio Kickboxing

Burn Calories - De-Stress

High calorie burn with this cardio kickboxing program!  Basic shadow boxing mixed with capoerria (Brazilian martial arts) gives you abb sculpting, calorie burning fun! Open to beginners thru advanced.

Available on line anytime.  Classes available through The Enrichment Academy (view calendar here)



BodySculpt & CoreSculpt

A Healthier You

Full body yet lower intensity conditioning to maximize your endurance during the class.  This will be done through weight training, step, band work, stability ball & cardio, piyo (pilates & yoga hybrid)  drills designed to sculpt & strengthen all the major muscle groups.

 View Enrichment Academy Schedule here

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Semi Private/Private Boxing Training

A Healthier You

Training based on a boxers program. highly intense boxing & kickboxing drills personalized to your fitness goals, find motivation & push each other in a group setting.  Instead of meeting friends for drinks or coffee, put together your own boxing crew & get fit together!

Training can be done outdoors or at your home!  I provide all equipment needed!

In the Villages?  Boxing in the Square is held monthly!  Email to be on the list for updates on theses classes!



Parkinsons Boxing Class

Fight Back Against PD

Boxing gives people with Parkinson’s disease hope by improving their quality of life through a non-contact boxing based fitness curriculum.

Parkinson’s disease is a degenerative movement disorder which can cause deterioration of motor skills, balance, speech and sensory function. The Parkinson’s Disease Foundation estimates there are more than 1 million people in the United States diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, and more than 60,000 people are diagnosed each year. Rock Steady Boxing is the first boxing program in the country dedicated to the fight against Parkinson’s.

In our classes, exercises are largely adapted from boxing drills. Boxers condition for optimal agility, speed, muscular endurance, accuracy, hand-eye coordination, footwork and overall strength to defend against and overcome opponents. At RSB, Parkinson’s disease is the opponent. Exercises vary in purpose and form but share one common trait: they are rigorous and intended to extend the perceived capabilities of the participant.

Various studies in the 1980s and 1990s supported the notion that rigorous exercise, emphasizing gross motor movement, balance, core strength, and rhythm, could favorably impact range of motion, flexibility, posture, gait, and activities of daily living. More recent studies, most notably at Cleveland Clinic, focus on the concept of intense “forced” exercise, and have begun to suggest that certain kinds of exercise may be neuro-protective, i.e., actually slowing disease progression.

Our clients attest, and academic institutions, such as University of Indianapolis and Butler University, are reporting and documenting the improved quality of life among our boxers. Discovery of a cure may be many years away but in the last seven years, there is evidence that progress is made in all stages of the disease by those participating in the RSB program.




K9 Fit Club

Work Out with Your 4-Legged Partner!

Cross Fit Class

Corporate Fitness

Better Health for Better Energy

Companies are realizing the value of fitter employees.  Being able to take a "fitness break" during the day results in more energy, fresher mind and happier associates!  I offer unique classes, designed for your company to offer maximum results. Contact me to schedule!

              FREE CLASS

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